Banner by Dan Rosandich

Sign Up To Be Added To My Directory of Cartoonists

To be added, email me the following:

Up to 10 each gag cartoons or illustrations. Or if you are uploading comic strips, send up to 5 comic strips. All drawings should be 72 dpi and 7.5 inches (540 pixelsl) wide. Each should carry a unique number which you assign to it. You should also indicate any pages to which you want the images to be linked. Links will carry a "no follow" tag.

Your listing is free, but you must be a subscriber to my email list to remain on it. I will add you to the list automatically when you send this form. You can opt out at any time, but if you do your name will be removed from this list. If you sell any cartoons or get any assignments as a result of this listing I will not be taking a commission. The only money I earn will come from royalties on products advertised on your pages and the products I advertise will mostly be products created by you such as tshirts on, books on Amazon, etc.

To promote traffic to your page I will provide an email list signup form as part of your listing. Your listing will not be shared with other cartoonists. I will send out emails to your list whenever you request it. When I do so I will charge you 5 cents per email to cover my time and costs.

People can sign up to your list using the signup form or I can add them manually whenever they give you permission to be added to your list. A double opt-in will be required for them to be added and all people added to your list will have the option of opting out at any time.

In addition, in the future I may create some promotional videos to drive traffic to your pages.

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